
Hi! My name is JaMeka and welcome to our site!

Let me give you a little background about our story and how we came to be. So first off, I not only work full-time as a Senior Marketing Producer for television in North Carolina, but I am also a wife and mother who loves to travel! However, that was not always the case.

About 10 years ago, I used to not care about traveling anywhere, I was stuck in my own little bubble. I didn’t even like weekend trips because it involved sleeping in a hotel – gasp! As a child, my family and I did many road trips across the country, heck, we even lived in Hawaii and one point, so you’d think that I would be interested in travel as an adult, right? But that all changed when I met Meshach in 2007 (who is now my husband and also works full-time as a technician in the engineering services department).

In 2012, we got engaged in February and actually won a 3 day trip to Daytona, Florida through a contest at a wedding show we attended in preparation for our wedding. The road trip was long and we were tired but it turned out to be a great trip! Some advice, don’t go to work all day and then try to drive to 10 hours to Florida overnight. Just don’t.

However, Florida was amazing! We even visited three Disney parks in just one day! But that’s not what really gave me the travel bug.

While planning our honeymoon we chose Italy. We had so much more fun planning our trip instead of our own wedding. So, we had an epiphany. We decided to scrap all of our big wedding plans and go to Italy instead. It was the best decision ever! You can read about how that happened here.

Italy will always have my heart. I absolutely love that country. It was our first international trip together and my first visit out of the US! I didn’t own a passport until we planned this trip. Something awoken in me. I realized there is so much more to the world. So many different people, their cultures, history, the experience you get from traveling is priceless. And that’s when I caught the travel bug (and began exhausting our wallets as Meshach likes to say!)

In 2013, Tristan was born. People told us that it would be harder to travel now that we’re parents. I even vowed to never fly with Tristan until he’s at least 10 years old because I thought he couldn’t handle it at a young age. But lo and behold, it turns out that Tristan is an excellent traveler (he must get it from us!)

Tristan is curious about the world. He started creating his own bucket list of places he wants to see. I’m hoping he will be the next Andy Steves (we’re Rick Steves fans at our house!) Tristan took his first trip on a plane when we went to Ireland. He did so well and that gives me hope that he will continue to travel the globe with Meshach and me.

Next on Tristan’s list: France because of his fascination with the Eiffel Tower. We’ll have to chat with Meshach about that since he handles all the money LOL

Speaking of Meshach, majority of the photos and video you see are shot by Meshach. He’s picked up a love of photography and now videography. I enjoy editing more than anything else.

Well that’s everything about us! And so our journey continues. We hope you join us as we continue to explore and learn about our world. We want our website to be used as a platform to inspire through bookmark-worthy tips, stories, advice and everything in between as we navigate our way through this crazy thing called life!

Happy travels from The Ramnaths!

-JaMeka, Meshach & Tristan


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