Cheap Places to Visit in 2017

Many people are making plans to travel in 2017 but looking for somewhere that’s cheap and won’t leave them broke at the end of a trip. I asked some fellow travel bloggers to give a few suggestions of where people should go for a great experience, but easy on the wallet.


Albania is going to be the hottest destination to visit in the Balkan peninsula in 2017. This getaway guarantees pristine beaches, excellent cuisine, natural wonders, adventurous hikes, ancient ruins and incredible culture. Albania is still quite undiscovered by mainstream tourism so prices for transportation, accommodation, meals and experiences are incredibly affordable.
– Lola from Miss Filatelista

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest is without a doubt one of the most interesting and vibrant cities in Europe. From its abundance of landmarks and stunning architecture to its revolutionary night life, you can find something to do at all hours of the day.  Combine that with the famously low price tag of most Eastern European destinations and you’re on to a winner. Head to one of the many spas and grab a bowl of goulash before heading to a ruin bar and you’ll be blending in with the locals in no time.
– Katie from Real World Runaway


My recommendation would be Bhutan which is wallet friendly and is recommended for traveling in 2017. Bhutan being the happiest kingdom in the world along with its numerous legends of the place, monasteries, colourful people and pristine beauty is a place that never disappoints any traveller.
– Kalyan from Travtasy


Taiwan is like a product of a Big Bang. Its Japanese influence is so strong you’d find yourself asking is Taiwan the child of China and Japan? It is an island country with mountains, surfing spots, flower gardens, onsens and rock formation. Food and shopping are fairly inexpensive too, and Taipei 101 is just the icing on the cake!
– Migz from Footloose Tom Cat

Do you have any budget friendly places to add? Comment below!

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  • A working mom, wife, travel, style and culture enthusiast; JaMeka Ramnath loves to explore and learn about different cultures and places around the globe.

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2 thoughts on “Cheap Places to Visit in 2017”

    1. Hi Stephanie! I bet Budapest is amazing! I saw the baths on one of Rick Steves’ Europe episodes, it looks really cool. So many places I want to visit and same with us, not getting around to it this year but maybe someday 🙂 Thank you for reading, keep in touch!

      – JaMeka

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