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How to speed clean your entire house in 30 minutes

This is a guest post by writer, Sury Jane.

Who doesn’t want to clean a house in record time? With the pile of house clutter and the very limited time we have in attending the maintenance needs of our home (which of course lasts for more than two hours even when done on a daily basis), it is but wonderful to think that we could finish all necessary cleaning in a very efficient and quick way just like a professional cleaner.

So here are a few speed cleaning tips that would help you become more effective in the over-all maintenance of your home:

Be organized

The very first thing that baffles even some experienced housekeepers is the part of the house from where they should start with. Normally, it is best to begin from the top down. Clean the top part of your house first, starting from the back while working your way towards the center of the floor or the steps.

Following this principle suggests that if you are working on all parts of your house, you must begin with ceiling first or the attic. This pattern of work will help keep you from dragging the same dirt towards the part of the house that was already cleaned.

Keep a schedule

Set a specific schedule for your house cleaning. Professional cleaners do not say to themselves we will attend to your house the next time we run out of schedule. Instead, they maintain a schedule that is well organized. So make it a point to set up a regular cleaning schedule on your most convenient time, usually during weekends.

But don’t settle with setting a schedule alone, be sure that you would stick to it and be very religious with the routines. Also, never leave a job undone or half-done. No one else would suffer but you because of the pile of unfinished works.

Keep yourself motivated

Limit distractions while you are working and increase you motivators to keep you going. You should never let minor events restrain you from finishing your work, say attending to your email or a nice television show. Also, try to find the things that would boost your motivation.

We all know that weekends should be our rest days but you must also know that unless you want to pay for a professional cleaning job, you should learn to encourage yourself to move from your couch or bed and grab the canister vacuum cleaner. Use upbeat music that would help motivate you to move a lot faster. Or set an exact time to beat, say an hour or two, to make you move a lot faster than you would usually do when unmotivated.

Wear the proper attire

Say goodbye to bleach-stained shirts by using a cleaning uniform will make the process more comfortable and convenient. You don’t need the glamour of nightgowns or the style of tight shirts if you have to crouch on floors and reach the trapped soil beneath your carpets.

Wear something comfortable and washable attires during the entire cleaning process. Furthermore, use gloves, appropriate cleaning shoes and eye protection if needed.

Finish everything before moving to the next inch


If you really want to speed up the cleaning process then you must not work on one place for more than once. Be sure to attend to everything that needs cleaning before you move to the next part of the house.

You really don’t need professional intervention just to assure that your house is well maintained. All you need is to allot a few minutes of your time for cleaning your house at top speed.


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About Author

A working mom, wife, travel, style and culture enthusiast; JaMeka Ramnath loves to explore and learn about different cultures and places around the globe.


  • Corinne @ My Mom Writes (Mommy Blog)
    June 22, 2017 at 7:37 am

    I really need to work on keeping a routine and staying motivated. it’s so hard with all these tiny humans here wrecking the place every 5 seconds! lol great list.

    • JaMeka
      June 22, 2017 at 1:28 pm

      Hi Corinne! Oh my gosh I know what you mean! Our son, Tristan has his toys all over our living room floor 5 minutes after I cleaned up. Thanks for reading 🙂

  • April Kitchens
    June 22, 2017 at 9:22 am

    I usually speed clean right when my daughter goes to bed. But I also stick to a cleaning schedule and clean one area per day.

    • JaMeka
      June 22, 2017 at 1:29 pm

      Hi April! That’s a great idea! I should try doing that instead of waiting to do it in one weekend. Maybe I’ll finally have some down time instead of doing chores all weekend!

  • Kristen
    June 22, 2017 at 11:24 am

    These are some great tips in cleaning! I definitely stick to a cleaning schedule so that it cuts down on me spending hours on one day of cleaning!

    • JaMeka
      June 22, 2017 at 1:30 pm

      Hi Kristen! A cleaning schedule does make things less chaotic at home. Thank you for reading!

  • Naya @ Lactivist in Louboutins
    June 22, 2017 at 12:58 pm

    Awesome tips! I have a hard time being organized – I feel like I spend half my time searching for the cleaning solution I need or the mop. Getting things together before I start is a great idea.

    • JaMeka
      June 22, 2017 at 1:33 pm

      Hi Naya! I know what you mean! Our cleaning supplies used to be spread out between bathroom cabinets and under the kitchen sink. Now we keep all of our cleaning supplies in a bottom kitchen cabinet that we cleared a bunch of stuff out of to make room. It’s so much easier to find things now 🙂

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