Tag You’re It! Fun Q & A With Bloggers

Happy Friday! “Tag You’re It” is a fun way for bloggers to get to know each other as well as the opportunity for their readers to know cool facts about them.

My friend/co-worker Carly from the lifestyle blog, The Carly Collective nominated me to answer her questions.

How does “Tag You’re It” work?

It’s really simple! I answer Carly’s 11 questions, I propose 11 new questions, and nominate 11 other bloggers to answer my 11 questions!

I think “Tag You’re It” is way cooler than the Liebster Award – have you heard of that blog networking game? It’s kind of the same thing except you don’t create your own questions.

Anyway, I have 11 questions that need answering so here we go!

Tag Breakfast

Carly’s Questions

1. Are you more of a dog or cat person?

I am definitely a dog person!

2. If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Indian food because I can’t get enough naan and samosas with tamarind dipping sauce to save my life lol

3. Summer or Winter?

Summer! I hate being cold.

4. What is your guilty pleasure TV show?

If you didn’t know I love Game of Thrones then “you know nothing Jon Snow.” I also love Pretty Little Liars and Scandal which my husband, Meshach actually binge watches with me including wine!

5. When and why did you start blogging?

I started blogging as an outlet to share all of my travel dreams, trip stories, and life updates with family and friends. Now it has taken a life on its own – in a good way of course.

6. Besides blogging, what are some of your other favorite things to do?

I like to watch Netflix, eat, hang out with my family and plan our next trip!

7. What is your dream job?

I am actually working my dream job. Growing up I was fascinated by television writing. I went to college and received a Bachelor in Communications then landed my job in television as a producer.

8. What is your Starbucks order?

The only time I visit Starbucks is if I’m on vacation splurging so when I do, I like their White Mocha Latte. I think that’s what its called. It’s really bad on my stomach though afterwards since I’m sort of lactose intolerant!

9. How do you come up with ideas for blog posts?

Sometimes I’ll get inspired after combing through our vacation photos or watching travel and style YouTube videos.

10. What is the last book you read?

I don’t have any time for reading these days, however, the last actual book I read were the entire Fifty Shades of Grey series. I’m so embarrassed!

11. What beauty product can you not leave the house without?

My Honest Beauty products, especially their Magic Balm. It’s great for dry skin, chapped lips, I even used it on Tristan today before dropping him off at daycare. The hot weather is really taking a toll on his lips!

Thank you Carly for including me in this fun “Tag You’re It!” post! Plus I was having a bit of a writer’s block so I am so glad to put a fun blog post out.

My Questions

  1. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?
  2. Where is your most favorite place for a vacation and why?
  3. What song do you currently play on repeat?
  4. What item can you not travel without?
  5. Where do you see your blog 3 years from now?
  6. What do you do for a living?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
  9. Do you have any pets?
  10. What do you always forget to pack for a trip?
  11. Carry-on or checked luggage?

My Nominations

Kamelia from Hackerette

Nonee from Nonee’s World

Farirai from Gophari

Jamie from Jamie Gallagher TV

Megan from Hello Megan Marie

Maria from The Wanderer’s Chronicles

Ashley from Travel Lushes

Julie from More Than Main Street

H. and Carmen from Wellington World Travels

Brittnee from Hello Brittnee

Olivia from Olive2Travel

Tag you’re it! Now tell me an interesting fact about you in the comments below! Don’t forget to share this post with your friends!


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  • A working mom, wife, travel, style and culture enthusiast; JaMeka Ramnath loves to explore and learn about different cultures and places around the globe.

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