6 Unique New Year Traditions Around The World

For majority of the world, New Year’s Eve is a huge celebration with parties and fireworks displays. But if you’re looking for something unique to do at home or wonder how others ring in the New Year then check out these traditions from around the world.


In Spain, many ring in the New Year by cramming 12 grapes into their mouths (without gagging them out) and it must be done within the first 12 seconds of the New Year. The 12 grapes are supposed to symbolize the 12 months of the new year. This tradition is done in hopes of having great luck for the year.

United States (The South)

Growing up with parents from the South (Southern states) eating black eyed peas was always a New Year tradition. To this day my mom still cooks black eyed peas and serves it with collard greens and cornbread. It is believed to bring good luck in the new year for yourself and those who you served the peas to. Plus it’s pretty tasty when cooked right!


This is definitely unique and quirky! In Denmark, if your front door is stacked with broken dishes – it’s a good thing! The dishes are saved throughout the year and on New Years Eve they are thrown at the front door of friends’ homes. The more broken dishes the more to celebrate since it symbolizes you have many good friends in your life!


“Joya no Kane” is a Buddhist tradition in Japan. Bells are rung in Buddhist temples 108 times at the stroke of midnight to rid all earthly desires from humans so that they’ll have a clean start in the year. That is something I’d love to witness. In my opinion, it’s probably way cooler than watching the ball drop in Times Square!

Romania (Very Unique)

In Romania, farmers talk to their livestock with belief that only on New Year’s Day animals can talk. However, it is considered bad luck if they can understand what the animals are saying. I wonder if that can also be done with family pets?


Now this sounds like something I need to do! On New Year’s Eve in Colombia they carry a suitcase and run really fast in their house or neighborhood. Why? To ensure a year of many  travels!

On New Year’s Eve we just hang out at home and watch a movie or something. Occasionally, we hang out with friends – just depends.

Unique ways to celebrate New Year

What do you do for New Year’s? Comment below and share this post!

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  • A working mom, wife, travel, style and culture enthusiast; JaMeka Ramnath loves to explore and learn about different cultures and places around the globe.

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4 thoughts on “6 Unique New Year Traditions Around The World”

  1. Amazing places & their traditions too! All are interesting traditions. I like grapes tradition of Spain & I truly wondered about Romania’s tradition. How animals would be talking on that day? Interesting! Thank you for sharing 🙂

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